
Monday, April 23, 2012

Hummus, Pizza Pockets, and a Whirlwind

It seems it's been a while since I last posted.

The last week or so has been a whirlwind of events. A good whirlwind, mind you (except for the fact that it seems to have destroyed my room). Classes were good, friends were visiting, games were played (intensely), food was consumed. Lots of it. The reason why I haven't posted in a while is because...well, I've been on a mac & cheeze kick. I've made it at least 7 times this last week, still trying to perfect the recipe. Which I did (recipe to come in a future post).

Another thing I did last week was finalize my summer plans. Half of them, anyway. All that remains is buying the plane ticket. See, I'll be in Lebanon from the end of May to mid-July. And I could not be more excited. Family, beaches, friends, margaritas, Lebanese food, arghile, and WARMTH--something I miss dearly on this dreary day, since April spoiled us last week.

Anyway, realizing that I had mac & cheez for lunch (...) I'm debating what to make for dinner, as I should probably have something different. I knew I wanted something with marinara sauce, but I was out of pasta. So I searched the fridge. Leftover cheez sauce, check. Marinara sauce, check. NaSoya wonton wrappers, check. (Pepperoni....unfortunately, not check.) So, what do these make?

Pizza pockets.

Delicious, crispy on the outside, molten-hot on the inside, pizza pockets. Those little pizza pockets we knew so well as children. I associate them with The Cluefinders game, as my mom would always microwave them for my brother and me while we played. Except in the microwave, it would always become kind of soggy, probably because they were frozen. Making them fresh and baking them instead seems to have solved this dilemma. I'll just be linking you to the recipe, since I didn't make any changes. It's from Dashing Dish, although it seems their website is under construction now. I hope I remember the recipe adequately enough.

"It's like my childhood is coming back to me..." -numerous people

Delicious as these are, I've only made them twice. A recipe that I have made easily more than 20 times, however, is a hummus recipe. A divine one. One that has converted hummus-haters to hummus-lovers. No, it is not traditional, but it is packed with flavor. The recipe is from Cara's Cravings, and since the recipe is perfect as it is, I'll just link you to it: Thai Peanut Pumpkin Hummus. So many ingredients that I love are in this hummus. Peanut butter, pumpkin, scallions, cilantro, chickpeas...the only thing missing is eggplant, really.

"Please make this hummus every day. EVERY. DAY." -my family

Anyway, I'm off to make my pizza pockets and eat this hummus (I made it yesterday. And the day before. That's how quickly it runs out). Enjoy the recipes!

Song of the Day-- Turnabout Jazz Soul- The Fragrance of Dark Coffee. This is a jazz rendition of the theme song of one of my favorite games: Phoenix Wright. I highly recommend you all play it. Assuming the majority of you don't have a DS, the first game is on the iPhone. Anyway, you can't really get classier than this song. Add some rainymood, or some real rain, and a glass of wine, and you've got yourself the classiest evening ever.
Recovery Quote of the Day-- "Not to spoil the ending for you, but everything is going to be okay." I should keep that in mind myself.

Listen to the song, remember the quote, and make the recipes (!).

With class,

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